Post Process Material (Visual Effects)

Sand Monster (Visual Effect)

A visual effect created by myself inside of Houdini. Utilized animation to drive a visual effect to simulate a "sand monster" who eventually falls apart. Rendered with Mantra.

Various material and particle effects that simulate a gravity well that bends spacetime. Also has mechanical logic hooked up to slow down time while inside the volume. 

A technical art tool within Unreal Engine 4 that I created. A dynamic road tool that allows more modular assets, to be used for level design. Adapts to terrain for dynamic application. Allows for adding a variety of assets with variance. Has debug abilities for easily identifying areas with issues.

Fractal materials made with UE4 that have the ability to change color and shape over time. 

Portal (Visual Effect)

Material that allows for external control of disintegration, used in conjunction with other visual effects to simulate burning material.

A breakdown video of the post process material.

Material that allows for externally controlled blueprint to manage its color over time. Has edge detection effect at start of life to simulate materialization within the game space at start of play. 

A video showcasing a post process material I created inside of Unreal Engine. Content in this video created by me includes post process materials, post process work, blueprints controlling fox and dragon animals, various other blueprints to manage the effects and integrate them into various environments seen.

Disintigration effect

Ue4 fractal Materials

Various visual effects showcasing technical art skills, 

☰ Open

A visual effect that simulates a portal effect. Allows for firing two different portals that the player can teleport between. Player rotation and velocity is inherited between teleportation for dynamic movement through portals. Visuals update in real time to show renders seamlessly. 

Dynamic color effect material


Final implementation with randomization to the fabric of the curtains and the speed at which they burn/disintigrate.

Gravity Well (Visual Effect)

External blueprint works to control the speed of the disintigration effect while a fire particle is translated up the length of the curtain, gives the effect that it is burning up. Additionally, ash falls as the curtain is disintigrated and piles up below it.

Road Tool (Modular SPawner TOol)