Color and shape were very important on these menu screens. Rounded courners were used over sharp ones because they are easier on the eyes and they make information easier to digest. Chunking information into groups (location-based and color-based) was also needed to allow for ease-of-entry. Since this interface isn't for experienced computer-users, it was important to focue on the fundamentals of design and not do anything too demanding. For this reason, the signal-to-noise ratio was also kept as high as possible. Only the neccesary information was provided, nothing more.

Instructor Audio Terminal Breakdown.

One of the projects I worked on consisted of students and an instructor. The instructor would be present to assign students to rooms, assist students who need help with training, and manage the overall status of the classroom. I was tasked with creating a User Interface that would be intuitive to users with little interface experience. The primary goal of this interface is to allow audio contact between the students and the instructor. Since this was a unique project, I decided to make sure that the universal principles of design were the foundation of the interface. 

In this breakdown, you can see the functionality of the interface. I felt it important to have a visual representation of the classrooms and their status. I developed a unique, but accessible, iconography to indicate if a room is empty, has a student engaged in Virtual Reality training, or if a student needs assistance. When an instructor sees a student that needs guidance, he will see a headset (like the one the instructor is wearing). The instructor can then hover over that room and will see a "Join" icon appear. When clicked,  the chat window will open and a audio link between the instructor and student will be created.  The constant state of the rooms is also constantly being updated so the Instructor consistently knows how many rooms are open. 

Instructor Chat Window

VR Instructor User Interface

Instructor Audio Terminal.

Exit Program Window
